Choosing a location

Before using the module, you must specify a location to get prayer times for. The API does not automatically determine your location, so you must define it by using a location object. There are three types of location objects:


Coordinates (latitude and longitude) are like X and Y coordinates on a map, you can see your own coordinates by clicking here.


  • latitude (float): The latitude of the location (required)

  • longitude (float): The longitude of the location (required)


  • InvalidLocationException: If the latitude or longitude is invalid.


import aladhan

location = aladhan.Coordinates(51.507351, -0.127758)


City is a location object that is defined by a city name and a country, state is optional.


  • city (str): The name of the city (required)

  • country (str): The name or code of the country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or alpha-3 format, or a CLDR short name. Examples: QA, QAT, Qatar (required)

  • state (str): The name of the state or region where the city is located (optional, default= None)


  • InvalidLocationException: If the country is invalid.


import aladhan

location = aladhan.City("London", "GB") # London, United Kingdom
# or
location = aladhan.City("London", "GB", "England") # London, England, United Kingdom


Address location type takes the address as a parameter, it can be a street address, a city name, a postal code or a combination of all. According to the official prayer times API, here is a list of valid addresses:

1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO OR 25 Hampstead High Street, London, NW3 1RL, United Kingdom OR Sultanahmet Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey


  • address (str): The address (required)


import aladhan

location = aladhan.Address("1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO")