Exception Handling

You can handle exceptions by importing them directly from the aladhan module, this page describes what each exception is for, and when it’s raised.


This exception is raised when the API returns a 400 bad request error, this happens when the API is unable to process the request, for example, some of the parameters are missing, or invalid.

import aladhan

location = aladhan.City("ABC", "EFG") # Invalid city and country
client = aladhan.Client(location)

print(client.get_today_times()) # Raises BadRequestException


This exception is raised when the API returns a 429 Too Many Requests error, this happens when the API is being used too much, and the rate limit is reached.

According to the API, on this source:

For the AlAdhan API in each region, each IP is allowed approximately 14 requests per second.

This could happen if you’re calling the API too fast.


This exception is raised when the API returns a 500 Internal Server Error error, this means that the API got a non-handled error, and it’s unable to process the request.

Which is very common in the API due to unhandled errors.


Exception raised when a invalid location is provided, e.g invalid coordinates.

>>> import aladhan
>>> location = aladhan.Coordinates(0, 1000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "...", line 1, in <module>
    File "...\location_types.py", line 10, in __init__
        raise InvalidLocationException("Invalid coordinates")
aladhan.exceptions.InvalidLocationException: Invalid coordinates